A heavy burden

My last days in the valley were quite lonely, and that wasn’t because of friends it’s because my life’s changed drastically with a dog and initially I thought it was a over dramatization when people would tell me how much it would change my life. It changed everything and when I say everything; I mean everything. From the things I do when I wake up to the simple stroll, I want to take midday and when I get ready for bed; I make sure my fur friend is cozy and taken care of. She’s isolated me quite a bit, but it’s okay, she’s kept me company every second. I asked, can someone or something we love be a burden? Is the selfless love we feel the burden or the person or thing the burden itself? When I look at Guna, I can’t help but think about the burden she has brought into my life, but it’s overshadowed by how blessed and amazed I am by her, making it difficult to label her as just a burden. I can’t find another word. I guess she can encumber some aspects of my life, that’s a better word for her. But by definition, burden is a heavy load, and she is tiny, but the load she’s brought upon my life in this little van is heavy.


Guna morning


440 Characters