colorado 12

Unpleasant news… The four pass loop trail will have to be done another time which im totally fine with. Hiking 29 miles in snow sounds like alot of fun but when mother nature says differently you listen. I ended up waking up around 5:45 am and went on a 7 mile trek through the snow it was brutal and cold but so rewarding. I ended up going to a undisclosed location (find it for yourself) and relaxed and watched the river and ate a granola bar. Very peaceful and bliss.

I made a friend online which I will probably meet in Boulder… I want to get drunk that sounds bad but I do. Problems we think are usually so devastating are so minimal people that dont want us, money is tight, time is running out, or anything you might find giving you stress believe me its not worth it or its just so small inconvenient to the path we are all on. LOOK AT THE BIGGER PICTURE. Dont wake up everyday letting life go through you go through life. I spent the past 5 years through alot of trials and tribulations of what I want to accomplish or what I want to spend the next 50 years doing that sounds fucking scary. I realized I always knew what I wanted to do I was afraid of failure and judgement which is fucking stupid. Spending so much time alone you learn alot about yourself the shit that pisses you off and the shit that gets you fucking going.

Timing is everything people it will happen when it happens .. if its taking to long though make that shit happen yourself. Im out.


Colorado 13


Colorado 11