Overall boring day was Friday but it needed to be.. my legs needed rest and just overall needed a good night sleep. I decided to stay in Boulder for another day see what I get into. I often wonder if where were at this moment in time is where we are supposed to be. Maybe so or maybe not. When I go to college towns it always crosses my mind at what could’ve been. What degree I would’ve left with, if I would’ve had a girlfriend, what kind of friends I would have made those are the questions ill never have the answer to but its always fun to think about.

Isnt it fun to imagine a life if you would have made 1 different decision.

People that you meet are just stop signs or pit stops to wherever youre going I met some girl before I hit the road and she was awesome. It just so happens to be that I was leaving for X amount of time thousand miles away. Not her fault not my fault. Its the scheme of life. We are on this path and we meet people who make us question why the fuck is the timing so bad. If its meant to stay aligned and meant for people to keep in touch they will.

Then again life gets in the way. Accidents happen, we meet other people, we grow bored, and we come to the realization of certain things that we want or how we want them.

Im excited for the week, weather seems to be staying sunny and warm which is overall good for me in terms of driving and difficult hiking.

Im out for now.


Boulder, Colorado

song: Florida - STRFKR


Wyoming 18
