Washington 110

Holy shit it’s been a while since I’ve written my state of mind just hasn’t been the best to be writing. I don’t go back to work until the 7th of September So I’m in full stoke mode to have days off. I woke up pretty early And met a new climbing friend her name is sade pretty rad chick and strong as fuck climber. We climbed at the local crag called Dishman hills it was some solid climbing this morning. Now I’m on route to Seattle I was invited to a concert last minute a.k.a. yesterday by someone I’ve never met but in a way I have connections to. She had two extra tickets to see Mt. Joy at the Moore theater. And this wasn’t on my agenda up until yesterday but why not free concert and excuse to go to the western side of Washington. I’m not sure when I’ll be back to the eastern side maybe I’ll even come back tomorrow since I was invited to go climb outside again. Aside from that life has been peaceful and fulfilling I have a planned trip to go to Wyoming with Eliza next week and camp out at grand Teton national Park. I’m so very fucking excited and a big part of it because the last time I was there I almost died and it was winter and cold now I’ll be there while it’s hot sunny and I’ll be able to rock climb instead of mountaineer. Hope all is well with whoever is reading this I have an immense amount of love if you do read these meaningless posts of mine, truly means something to me.


washington 111


Washington 109