WashinGton 87

Wednesday 5:32 pm it’s been a brutal 7  days but days I know I won’t forget for a lifetime. I’m sitting here in my tent deleting old videos that are taking up storage on my phone and of course watching them. I get nostalgic slightly sad but with a Gleaming smile at the same time. I have made some incredible friends this past year and I’ve made some awesome memories that I’m so grateful to have got on camera. I’m a huge live-in-the-moment guy though I love to film shit and I love to capture moments.  I love watching them months or years later and I always know how I was feeling at that moment how much joy and freedom. I refer back to what I said about feeling sad but visibly smiling I say that because its always sad to know you won’t feel that way again with those people those moments that time and place will never be replicated which is a beautiful thing and should force people to live life to its fucking fullest and take every moment you have and make it fucking beautiful. Go take that trip, go eat that meal, text that fucking girl or guy, buy those tickets. Stop waiting stop being prideful stop being stubborn you don’t know when that chance will come you don’t know where that person will be or where you will be.  I just want everyone to see the fucking beauty of this life and how amazing it is and not let a fucking day go to waste. I do feel a bit hypocritical because I’m slaving away doing work I absolutely honestly don’t want to be doing but It was never About money or anything like that it was about experiences I wanted to experience this rough necking life being remote miles away from any human surrounded by Mother Nature and it’s beauty and the ugly of it. I wanted to know what it felt like to feel weak and challenge myself mentally. Its not always bad I’m exaggerating a bit.

I’ve made some cool friends here and I’m grateful for the things I’m learning. It’s not the place or the people who are shit it’s your mindset. I’ve learned to be happy or at peace anywhere i’m at and to find that equilibrium. I’m okay with being alone im happy with myself and where im at. I’ve simplified my life to a once very complicated messy life that was poisoned by money, lawsuits, and greed trying so hard to be this version of myself that didn’t really exist. This probably won’t be the last time I write about something like this. I returned back to Spokane tomorrow and I’ll be off for six days no plans we will see what it has in store and then I’ll be back out for eight days and so on until September 9. 

Then after that life is one big mystery for me and I don’t where I’ll be or who I’ll be with. I’m ready for it though. Bring it on.


washington 88


WaShington 86