Flagstaff arrival

I arrived in Flagstaff, Arizona, late at night. The temperature dropped dramatically as I went from the desert of central California to the mountains—something many people might forget about Arizona. I certainly did. Typically, you think of Arizona as a hot, scorching place where you could fry an egg on a black car, at least thats what I thought.

I've always preferred arriving somewhere new at night, so that in the morning, I wake up to a new piece of land unlocked, ready for me to explore. Waking up and heading straight to the nearest trail system, I didn't take much time to research; I just wanted to get up and go. I did a 7-mile trail run and, to my surprise, I was the only person on that trail. The weather was beautiful, and my excitement was high.

After 6 years of traveling and living out of a car, I'm only now learning to slow down, look around, and take in my surroundings. At times, I spent so much time and energy worried about what to do next, moving so quickly that I would forget what I was even traveling for.


Little local life


Santa Barbara