ketchup bottle

If you're reading this, I must reiterate: the whole reason I created this website years ago was simply to write what I'm thinking. It's comparable to keeping a Moleskine journal by your bedside, where you jot down the first thought that comes to mind as you wake up, or the deep existential reflections that come to light as you eat dinner or watch TV—those you feel compelled to write about. These thoughts rattle around and fill my mind to the point where writing feels like my only outlet. It reminds me of a brand-new ketchup bottle, how all the ketchup pours out with just a squeeze. Then, weeks later, it's stuck to the bottom, glued to the plastic bottle's walls, requiring a smack to get the rest of the red liquid out. Eventually, it seeps out onto your plate—the plate being the paper, or in my case, blog posts, and the ketchup these thoughts. Initially, they flowed out so effortlessly, but as time has gone on, I've questioned and second-guessed much of my writing. It has become a real effort to put it out there and just let my stream of consciousness do the work. At the end of the day, this is essentially my everyday journal, sometimes crafted with very little thought.


oh sue me


social rant