Washington 95

The second half of this 8 day work week has kicked off. First day is down. It was long and exhausting. You don’t realize the immense amount of work we do day to day until you sit down on our breaks and just look around. After a day like this or any day of work food, sleeping bag, water, and a shower feel 100 times better than any other regular old day. I’m grateful to be physically and mentally willed to do the work I do to be able to push forward and enjoy life afterwards. The mindless days of work keep my brain occupied with hundreds of thoughts some good—some pretty shitty. I downloaded all the twilight movies on my phone to watch over these 8 days. It’s a good refresher to remind myself of how emotional I can get over stupid cheesy romantic movies i’ll be enough because I’m not a very emotional guy when it comes down to real life scenarios or maybe I am I just don’t know how to visibly appear emotional and frankly its not a good thing it does not benefit me at all. I suppress things I shoot people away I make choices that hurt people people that I don’t want to hurt its an negative trait of mine something for the past year I’ve been really trying to hone in on. I would like to consider myself a well-traveled person traveling is all dandy and fun and beautiful but it’s also scary Especially the traveling that I do alone you go away you become marked scarred internally and in my case even externally You become changed in the process of who you are The person that left you don’t come back the same and if you do go away again because of traveling isnt for changing someone for the better then I don’t know what the fuck it’s for.


Washington 96


Washington 94