The coffee I purchased before my 2 hour drive. Super exciting stuff...

Coast and Cows

Welcome back! If you haven’t left entirely, and if you’re someone who hasn’t forgotten my lonely, mid-tier, content-worthy website, thank you. It’s been a whirlwind of ups and downs—mountaintops and valleys, heavenly highs and hellish lows. That’s how I’d describe things over the past few months, with an exceptionally large number of lows. I spent a lot of time figuratively in the valley—not Yosemite—because I was arrested at the village store and taken to Fresno jail, resulting in a one-year ban from Yosemite National Park. But that’s the past, and I don’t hold it against them. People make mistakes, and by people, I mean them, not me.

After dwelling in my rage for a few months in my hometown of San Diego, it was time to move on and fly away like the little bird I am. Were a few months of feeling sorry for myself while staying with my parents necessary? Probably not. Do I regret it? Absolutely not! I hung out with my nephews and enjoyed the privilege of being unemployed, spending my days at the climbing gym until my fingers gave out and my money dried up. Then I was on a frantic job hunt trying to recover.

I’m in San Luis Obispo now I suppose this is the recovery. Have I ever been here before? No, which makes it all the better. Before sitting down to write this, I biked four miles through the bike-friendly streets of SLO, my eyes wandering as if I’d been dropped into a new world. That’s how it feels to me. Day one is always exciting; everything is new, the vibe feels rich with exploration, and oddly enough, I tend to feel very social. I’m sure that has to do with the fact that I don’t know anyone here—it’s easy to be a social butterfly when no one knows you; at least that’s how I’ve always felt. It’s comparable to putting on a mask, and if that mask is received well, you keep it on. How many of those masks have I put on? Too many. It’s getting tiring but also rather addicting.

I’m so glad to be back. I feel like myself again—almost as if I want to scream in happiness. I can’t, though, because I’m inside a coffee shop right now, and the vibe certainly doesn’t give off “scream if you’re happy.” It’s called Kreuzberg, and this might just be the spot. I can’t say for certain yet; I still need to check out the other local cafes to see which one welcomes me to scream in happiness.




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