Writing this as I sit at this coffee shop ive been at for the past few days. I finally decided to work on this project of mine ive been holding off… I think its about time to slowly get the gears moving on it. I wont be announcing anything until I have it all mapped out and just feel confident in what im doing (which could be never). I bailed pretty hard last night on some girl I met 2 months back in Salt Lake City no special reason at all I just didn’t feel like going through the motions, if that makes sense?

I wake up practically looking forward to when I can go to the climbing gym but of course I need to get stuff done and pretend like im being productive. My only real dilemma today is what im going to eat later today which is a great dilemma to have in ones life. Life really slowed down for me and quickly. Here I am building this odd routine for myself, is it even real? It might just be a weird dream im having until March. Living like this feels fake I feel bad at times sometimes for myself and then towards nothing and nobody.

random thought: cute climber girls where yall at.

Thats it for this morning. Another one coming later tonight.


SLC, Utah


utah 50


utah 48