Utah 34

The night before I leave very interesting. You are kick ass dude you know who you are if you're reading this.

When we lose something or someone we tend to turn those things from a 10 to a 25 we distort our reality and only focus on the things that were great and the nice stuff. Not the reasons why we lost that thing or person.

I am probably the last guy to give advice on dating or love and any shit like that but i’m gonna do it anyways.

Advice and my opinion.

Maybe this doesnt apply to you maybe it does … don’t fucking settle for feelings that aren’t mutual it’s bullshit. Especially in this generation and time we live in I think we feel pressured to give in to people who don’t give us that same love or energy because we think it’s so scarce to find so we SETTLE for that bullshit or it’s that glimpse of what we want and how we want the future to be with that person or someone and they gave us that window to that time but it’s not real it’s a taste because they aren’t IT.
Believe me I know this first hand on both ends i’ve given more than i’ve recieved and I certainly have taken more than i’ve given. I strongly believe your equal counterpart is somewhere along the path you’re on. This is not saying life revolves around having a partner but dating is fun and love should be fun and a very beautiful experience i’m sure — it shouldn't be a tug of war, a competition to see who gives in more than the other—NO that ain’t cool that ain’t it. Whether youre 18 or 38 fuck that most of the people we think are so great to us are just great because of this idea we have in our head of them being great and amazing to us but is that really reality? Maybe this makes sense to whoever reading this maybe it don’t.

I swear I'm not turning this blog into some relationship column it’s just recently that this stuff has been on my mind.

And again this is my opinion i’m 23 i’ve never been in love and haven’t had a real connection with a girl in a few years so what the fuck do I know. I just watch as the outsider but maybe that gives me a more insight into this, who knows? Maybe I'm over all this meaningless fucking sex but then again I could be lying to myself and going through a quick dash of reality but I wake up tomorrow craving the same meaningless connections no real conversations no real eye contact just smoke and mirrors to get me off and release some sort of temporary pleasure. I guess we will find out later on won’t we.

oh yeah I forgive you for stabbing me in the eye and destroying my right arm hahahahahhaha.


Kearns, Utah

Someday, Somewhere - Palace


Utah 35


Utah 33