Yosemite 234

It’s been rainy and gloomy the past few days. When the weather is like this, the valley takes on an aura of the supernatural; almost twilight-esque if I were to compare it to anything. It’s a well-needed reprieve after long days of blistering heat that penetrates the valley walls, making the granite feel as hot as fire. Today was a beautiful day to put the ropes away and bring out the crash pads. We don’t boulder much, so the change of pace and environment was great and ignited a bouldering itch in me.

As we walked through the Camp 4 boulders, it was hard to ignore the history and nostalgia of legendary climbers from back in the day. I found myself picturing them climbing these boulders with minimal pads and old-school rubber on their feet. All the granite is polished and thin, forcing you to focus on balance and be precise with your footwork. Bouldering brings out the real try-hard in me a much different intensity than roping up for a long climb.

Val and I spent the rest of the day eating food and watching "Mid-90s" and "Batman." It was a perfect way to spend a rainy day. Val is someone whom I’m incredibly grateful to have met and become close to in my life – the sister I never had. I’m insanely grateful for all the friends I’ve made and become so close with over this short period of time.


Yosemite 235


Yosemite 233