Washington 67

So I’ve been out of town because of work and work usually means I’m remote with no cell service for 4-5 days. It’s almost like a forced way to do therapy. Four days pretty much only stuck in nature on the forest I have little to no distractions it’s only me myself and I and my four other crewmembers which also they are doing their own thing. It’s endless thinking and pondering looking up seeing either clear blue skies with cotton candy clouds or a sky filled with stars that look like you could play connect the dots. I don’t think there’s a true source of happiness but I do think that you can find peace and happiness in certain places and even in people. For me life has been peaceful and beautiful i’m not happy 24 seven I have my times but overall I feel like I’m a happy person or at least I’m trying to be happy. For the next few months up until September my work won’t be local and I’ll be pretty much camping outside spending majority of my time in the outdoors surrounded by nature and untouched land with no other humans around for miles. Solitude and loneliness or two different things I love the feeling of solitude and isolation it’s an escape from all the clutter our modern privileged life’s are surrounded by. The where’s my phone, I made plans with this person, I have an obligation to this this boy doesn’t like me this girl doesn’t like me, and other mindless worries. They’re all obligations and attachments that we put on ourselves to make us feel like we have some purpose some busy schedule everything we do outside of our own time is just fillers stuff for you to fill in the gaps of the day we have grown so clueless on what to do with. The feeling of loneliness and being in solitude all alone is a shitty feeling that doesn’t resonate the same. Summer is right around the corner and the sun is starting to peek out daily bringing a natural warmth and beautiful rays. The summers going to be filled with exploring the state of Washington and Idaho. I don’t have any concrete plans but I’m free to go wherever and that’s why I know I’ll be somewhere always great. I’m writing this at a park in a hammock by myself. So you should go to the same if you’re reading this go outside put a blanket on the floor or just lay on the fucking grass by yourself 15, 20, 60 minutes however long who cares.


Washington 68


washington 66