Washington 65

Okay imagine if every choice we made was made in mind to make us happier. Where would you be? I’ve tried my best to make every decision to this point a decision that has made me happier and most importantly have peace. One of the hardest challenges in life whether you are 10 or 50 is finding peace with yourself and with that peace comes happiness. I’d like to say this is all what I believe and what I’ve gotten from my experiences in life granted I’m still so so so young I can confidently say I’ve lived a fruitful life worth experiencing. BUT then I ask myself do I actually make choices that are making me happier am I the happiest I can be and my answer is fuck no. I have hard days and easy days and I can tell you 110% I feel so much happier after a hard day. I believe we need to be let down or have our hearts broken and if it’s not from yourself it’s from other people. After you get let down or get your heart broken or whatever it could be it molds character it motivates you to be a better person and make better choices that will assure you that it won’t happen again but that’s never a guarantee. Everyday we should be trying to improve mentally and physically surrounding ourselves with people and an environment that teaches us to be strong and create happiness out of anything. You are who you hangout with and the energy you feel daily bounces off the people and environment you’re in.

awesome rant and random thoughts I had at 11:30pm last night.


washington 66


Washington 64