
As my time in San Diego draws closer to its end, I find no metaphorical clearing of the fog that shrouds my path forward. It's okay; I've felt this nervousness before. It's the jitters. Only those who venture into this life of transient temporariness can truly understand. I don't know what's going to happen next. Every time I've left one place for another, it's always been a journey into the new: new challenges, new people, and new locales. I use the term "challenges" deliberately because that's precisely what they are. They can range from minor oversights, like forgetting a phone charger and realizing you're already 40 minutes away, to major crises, such as my radiator exploding on the freeway, enveloping my vehicle in a cloud of white smoke.

These moments test your resilience , revealing how well you manage crises. Do you have the funds for repairs? Is the issue fixable? How far are you from a solution? Can you remain calm? Do you have resources? Fortunately, I had what was needed, and $700 and four hours later, the problem was resolved. After experiences like that, your level of awareness and caution increases exponentially. You start to mentally rehearse for such scenarios, attempting to plan ahead. However, with this lifestyle, it's often a case of acting first and planning second. If you were to plan first and then act, you'd likely find that the plan rarely unfolds as expected, leaving you disappointed and confused about your next steps.

I'm embracing the next chapter with open arms, despite its uncertainty. I'm letting the wind and my gut guide me, they somehow know where im supposed to be.




Am I a hater