
I used to feel a heavy sense of guilt whenever I spent money on food, thinking it was an irresponsible habit that led many to have little money in their bank accounts. Ironically, food has now become my largest expense, and I don’t blink an eye at spending money on it. My justification lies in the fact that I don’t pay rent, which tends to be everyone’s significant monthly expense, especially in a place like San Diego. Instead, my form of 'rent' comes in other ways; I pay a hefty price for gas and regular car maintenance, which still ends up being cheaper than the cost of living here.

Admittedly, I eat out approximately four to five days a week. Occasionally, I’ll fire up the stove inside my van and cook, but at the end of the day, the convenience of having food ready without the effort is a luxury I’m willing to pay for. However, the one item I almost always refuse to spend money on is coffee, specifically mediocre coffee. The price has become exorbitant for a simple cup of black coffee made from commercialized, pesticide-sprayed beans that taste like they’ve just come out of a furnace. It feels like highway robbery, and I refuse to be a victim of it.

I’ve adopted the great habit of making my own coffee, thanks to being introduced to the AeroPress a few months ago. Let me tell you, it has been a game changer. It’s everything someone living in a van could want if coffee is of interest. Quick, compact, and easy to clean, the AeroPress has significantly eased this small aspect of my life, let me tell you im stoked on it.


Full steam or push the brakes

