A long road ahead

I want to clarify that I haven't abandoned this website or any of my other creative endeavors. Instead, I've been grappling with personal struggles, both medical and emotional, that have surfaced this year. Unfortunately, we don’t get to choose some of the challenges we face, no matter how well we eat, exercise, or take care of ourselves. Health doesn't discriminate, and life has a way of knocking you down when you least expect it, often at the worst possible times.

Admittedly, I’ve felt—and still sometimes feel—defeated. I started telling myself that this year was just a throwaway. The constant pressure of societal norms, especially those imposed by family, began to weigh heavily on my mind. Ironically, family is often the bond that holds us together with support and unconditional love, but it can also be the very thing that creates doubt about our life choices. I don't believe this is done with ill intent, but rather out of a misunderstanding that all of our paths are similar.

In reality, the experiences, hardships, and profound moments that shape us are unique, even when they might seem comparable. For instance, two individuals experiencing the loss of a pet don’t necessarily become more alike, even though they can relate to each other. They interpret and process the experience in their own ways, and it can transform them differently.

I’ve tried hard to keep this perspective in mind, reminding myself that while I may empathize with someone else's situation, I can never fully understand it. We might all be working, eating, and pursuing similar things, but the truth is that we each bring different tools, components, and perspectives to the table. Maybe this idea doesn't resonate with everyone, but it does with me. We're all driving down the road in our own cars, each with its own unique features and mechanisms. Don’t break down your own car trying to rebuild someone else’s.


Short and goblin legs


The mouse in me