Washington 63

Day by day that’s how I try and live my life here. If you look forward to something months away whether it’s a paycheck or reuniting with family or a lover i think it turns you miserable. I was watching a podcast with a former navy seal sniper and he said he went through the hardest days not by events but by revolutions like the next meal the next time he will lay down or change that pair of greasy underwear. The work week for me is interesting it’s very routine and mundane but what’s great is that it allows me to put all the outside noise away and just do what’s in front of me. I had a friend ask for some advice on her relationship and bottom line it was “Why does this guy not treat me the way I should be treated?” It’s a pretty common question that we all ask at one point and there no simple way of answering it. We allow individuals to treat us the way we see our selves it’s pretty demoralizing we can contain such little self respect for ourselves that why would we demand anything more from an outside person. It’s also a lot easier to be treated like shit and a secondary option, it will always be easier to be miserable than to live a happy life. In dating and being involved with someone romantically it involves putting your wants and selfish tendencies to the side for that individual being he/she is worth that to YOU. That is not easy to give love, undivided attention and selflessness but it’s really easy to give whatever love you feel like giving out it’s easy to not really pay so much attention and its damn easy to be selfish.
You choose what you want to receive and give out. You choose who you allow to see inside that world of yours. There is always someone that is willing to do the hard because it’s worth it to them and when it happens you will take notice of the difference in treatment. I’m not a dating therapist nor have I had a lot of successful relationships but I’ve listened to countless stories and complaints from girls which is mind blowing because majority knows they are being treated like shit and deserve better but it’s so different to be self aware of it desire change so bad you are willing to do anything to get it.
Demand respect for yourself from yourself then respect will come from those who see that.

I see this so clearly because I am on the opposite side of this. I’ve fucked over more girls than I count and I’ve treated girls poorly. I viewed them with such little self respect for themselves which made it a breeze to do the bare minimum. Standards are set pretty fucking low now a days. I’ve distorted my idea of love and what it feels like to give someone genuine respect and affection. Day by day we only improve and the important thing is not what we improve on but that we make progress on what is right to improve on.

wrote this with no cell service middle of no where laying on the grass by myself. Peace.


Washington 64


Washington 62