Sunday morning.

It’s only here that I’ve been able to wake up at 9:30 and feel great about it. The peace is palpable, and I know the day is meant to be taken just so. Walking through the neighborhood, greeting fellow passersby, and pausing to share opinions on the architecture, we find ourselves momentarily in the shoes of sculptors. Conversations over breakfast are neither short nor superficial; everything said and heard holds significance for someone. We discuss life, love, professions, passions, friends, and family. The topics seem endless, but time eventually dictates our pause and our continuation.

These beautiful, meaningful exchanges that come so effortlessly on a Sunday morning with a cup of coffee are easy to engage in but not so easy to leave behind. They stick with you, compelling you to reflect inwardly—that’s how you know you’ve had a truly meaningful conversation. Heading to work, you suddenly realize the next eight hours will drag because the echoes of those conversations linger. You ponder your presence here, questioning your happiness and if this is truly where you want to be. Yet, this is reality, or so they say—you have no choice but to be here, to wear a smile.

You don’t want to be here, but where else would you go? Making money is essential for doing the things you enjoy and buying the things you need. So, your complaints, your feelings—they’re dismissed by everyone, because isn’t everyone here? Do you think everyone wants to be here? Do you think they’re all happy? Probably not. The only difference is, I can’t hide it. The rage and fire within me won’t allow it. To hide what you’re feeling, to bury those emotions, is to deny who you are in that moment. Not everything must serve the greater good, whatever that may be.

The truly unfortunate part about all this is that no one really cares. We’re all in the same boat. Yet, this is where things can change. You can shape and alter the life around you. You don’t have to be in that same boat. You don’t have to do what everyone else is doing. You don’t have to feel what everyone else is feeling.


is it really work?


San Diego