wyoming 19

Currently writing this on my laptop. I hiked/climbed middle teton yesterday and disaster happened reasons of being to risky without proper prep and just overall foolishness and confidence in my ability to keep going. I am insanely grateful to be alive or just not even paralyzed.

I met some dude at the trailhead to Middle teton, we became pretty cool fast. He was a cool guy and I enjoyed hiking with… its hard for me to enjoy hiking with people. We began the hike and got to boulder fields and steep colouirs which then the real adventure began that included climbing and certain maneuvers. (A couloir, is a narrow gully with a steep gradient in a mountainous terrain.)

We were climbing middle teton when we decided to turn back due to weather conditions and overall lack of proper gear. We made it pretty fucking far for the lack of gear. I believe at 13k elevation we decided to turn back. I was climbing down a very steep and icy colouir, I lost my foothold and slipped — sliding down about 350+ ft making quick attempts to self arrest which didnt work I was non stop going fast down towards a field of boulders. I thought I might die and this is it for me. I made the quick decision to move my body and my leg took the intital impact on the boulder, my body flipped and I hit my head on another boulder briefly knocking me out unconscious I started crawling after I came back just trying to gather my thoughts and asses the situation. My friend Luca who I had met on the trail was climbing with me & ran down and noticed I was disoriented there was blood everywhere on the snow and my face. He asked me if I wanted to stay while he climbed down to get service and call the rangers. I refused. I told him lets go and we started our climb/hike down I was in pretty intense pain from my leg and head but I pushed through we hiked about 10 miles down before the ranger was able to meet us and take us back. I got a hotel room and just relaxed all night and had a great sleep (sort of). No phone for now. It will be back in this coming week or so. My leg is pretty badly injured as well as my head but I will survive and come back better and fucking stronger.

Thank you for reading.

Dont take life for granted.

Take what you want.

Dont hold back.


Cowboy Coffee

Jackson, Wyoming

Remember know your limits and what youre capable of. Be confident but not stupid. Take life by the fucking balls and make it your bitch. We keep on fucking moving.


wyoming 20


Wyoming 18