wyoming 20

Im going to be here at this coffee shop named cowboy coffee in Jackson until 6pm. I met some girl drinking coffee she is really cool super nerdy. She overheard my conversation and asked about it. Honestly I feel that is the most organic normal way to meet someone. She has only been living in Wyoming for 2 months. Most likely will get breakfast with her tomorrow, even offered to let me shower. Meeting people is fun and a blessing we all have we shouldnt take for granted. She said she knows a cool hot spring in the area that we could check out friday so thats dope.

Anyways first item sold on the site so thats great.

Im pretty much not talking to or keeping communication with the girl (will not be named) back in San Diego. It was probably a mature decision but also kind of foolish. It was pretty self evident she wanted to keep exploring her options and thats totally understandable. I gotta give respect to people who make selfish decisions for their own self being. Will continue to live life like a savage I hope haha.


idaho 21


wyoming 19