California 175
Yesterday was one of the hotter days in San Diego, and I almost think it's a sin to not go outside and do something on a hot day like that. My friends and I went to the beach, and it was just another day why I was feeling so f****** grateful, but I live in San Diego and not some s*** hole in the middle of Ohio (sorry Ohio people, I'm sure you guys have cool stuff).
I've practically have had the same friends since middle school. I used to think it was a normal thing to have friends for over 10-12 years and still going, but I find that it's not I've met plenty of people who either have friends that they've known for a few years or coworkers. I've always found the make friends at work situation kind of weird, it makes sense you usually make friends with people who have similar values and enjoy the same thing, so it makes sense to make friends at work. I guess I've just found it weird because I've always liked to separate my work from my friendships, I think it's because I have a group of friends that are pretty solid I couldn't replicate through any type of work. I've known my friends for more than 10 years now we've known each other since we are practically children, I think when you know someone for that long you interact with them in a real raw way. When you hang out with people from work all religious affiliations even College setting, sometimes I feel like you almost have to censor or kind of have to put who you really are to the side and give them the version of yourself that they know best whether it be the work version or the college party version. My friends have known me since I was a kid pretty much and that allows them to understand when I'm doing something that's kind of weird that's not me, and they can spot it out so instantly and same goes for them. As I've gotten older, I realize how important friendships are and relationships we build with people, especially people that we've known for a long, long time. I think it's a very valuable and very important that we stick to the people that allow us to be our authentic self.