Full steam or push the brakes

I envy those who feel content and pleased with themselves day after day. At times, I feel that I put so much pressure on myself, whether it's physically or in the competitive rat race. The thought that time is so limited, and our days are numbered, hits me hard—to the point where I become fixated on certain tasks or deadlines that aren't even real; they don't mean anything. It’s a pretty modern mindset, I believe, one that many people of this generation have adopted: the notion that we need to be in hyper-mode, constantly doing and completing tasks. It's hard not to feel this way when the fear of an unfulfilled life looms large, and growing old alone seems like a tangible possibility. I spiral into these modes of intense focus and burn out, becoming more discouraged in the process. Taking 2,000 small steps to make one leap, yet feeling like you're going nowhere.


Little baby changes

