Keep going

The internal struggle of questioning the significance and payoff of your actions is a common one. Constantly, I find myself pondering, "Is all this effort in vain? Am I just wasting my time?" The truth is, there's no way to know for certain. This uncertainty is the greatest risk we undertake when we pursue something that doesn't offer instant gratification, this leads to puzzled looks or reactions from others who can't see the immediate payoff. Many people hesitate to even begin because the reward isn't visible right away.

Ive seen it first hand throughout my life and my own experiences especially with areas like health and fitness, where the benefits aren't immediate but require time, patience, and relentless effort. It's a journey many are hesitant to embark on, especially in today's world of instant gratification, so emphasized by Amazon, Instagram, dating apps, and fast food. The convenience of having everything at our fingertips with minimal effort has trained us to disregard the value of the journey, focusing instead on the immediate rewards.

Despite the uncertainty of the outcome, I continue on my path because I believe in what I'm doing and in myself. Would I like others to share this belief? Absolutely, but it's okay if they don't. NO ONE CARES UNTIL IT MEANS SOMETHING. This idea and acceptance doesn’t put a dampen on things it should encourage anyone who believes in something, just keep it pushing, one step at a time.




Its all a big joke