Its all a big joke

I told myself I woudnt’t be dedicating this year to climbing and the goals I have within climbing. It's been all about climbing, climbing, and more climbing. However, becoming so engrained into the climbing world it brings an itch at times that needs to be scratched. I often catch myself planning my life around climbing, only to have to pause and reconsider.

Climbing has been the one constant in my life, blessing it with friendships, skills, and a wild drive I didn’t know I had in me. I have no regrets, no matter the outcome. I sometimes joke that it has ruined my life, but that's all it is—a joke. One day, I was just a regular guy who wanted to hike some scenic trails; the next, I found myself living in a van, surrounded by thousands of dollars' worth of gear, itching to sleep on a wall or jam my fingers in a crack. Many climbers might find this relatable, im sure of it. I'm also someone who never does things halfway; I always push to the extremes. This approach has served me well but also poses a potential risk. We must proceed with caution.


Keep going

