California 199

Nights like these are always the hardest and they never get easier for me. One and a half hour drive to the nearest town to pick up some groceries and sit at a bar alone. I sat there as I drank my beer and ate my burger. I think about how beautiful things have been and I think that I don't have anyone really to share it with. I can pick up the phone and call my parents but I've already done that and as we all know that's not the same at times. Sometimes you just wanna call somebody to hear about their day what they're doing.  i've burned many bridges and I've left people behind and at the young age of 24 I feel like I don't have the confidence to call anyone and especially call someone that's looking forward to hearing from me. The need for companionship is real and not just the type that of companionship  I have in the valley sitting around a fire with friends I just met a month ago I desire companionship that's real that burns hard that they don't count the miles to get to me and don't look at the time when together. Being alone is a beautiful thing it allows you to center yourself and enjoy your own company but I think of the current point I'm at in life I felt the Lows of being alone and the highs of it. Don't run so far away that  you lose yourself completely.


Utah 200


California 198