Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas to everyone and huge thanks to everyone who reads my blogs. Appreciate it so much. I was very reluctant to share this news because it’s not a huge deal but a small milestone in the years this website has been active and alive. The month of December was the first month since I started this website almost 4 years ago that we reached 1000 visitors. It’s been an awesome fun journey that I plan on continuing until I can’t. Everything I write is from the heart and never curated to fit a certain vibe or image. It’s just based on my day-to-day and the typically current state of how my life is going. It’s not always going to be adventurous and glamorous, because that’s not how life goes. It’s filled with ups and downs, different obstacles that are thrown at you without any warning the change of plans that happen last minute.

So again, I want to thank anyone and everyone who reads or visits the site. Whether we know each other personally or you're a random stranger from another country. I'm so grateful!

This is probably the one time of the year I'm able to sleep in with no worries, sit and watch a movie with my mom, eat cookies, and indulge in all the food my family cooks. It's amazing and I'm super grateful. My mom asked me to put on a movie for us to watch, so with no coincidence I chose The Dawn Wall. If you haven't seen I highly recommend it, even if you aren't a climber. Id be surprised if you finish it without some feeling of inspiration to climb. Throughout this training for an ironman and diving deep into another sport with no prior experience at the end of the day, I miss climbing and the feeling is always brought me. Some days, my eagerness to hit a climbing gym and grab some plastic hits me hard, but I know in my life it's just not meant to be. Also, gym climbing sucks (compared to any outdoor climbing). Most of all I miss climbing outside and pushing my limits, im excited and nervous for the day I get back. At the moment, it's important to me to figure out what's going on with my shoulder and whether surgery will be a requirement. Don't get me started on the medical system. It's the sole reason this healing process has been delayed for so long. It is what it is.

I hope everyone is having an awesome day: eating, sleeping, drinking, and opening gifts. Of course, not everyone is having such a jolly day and whoever they are, wherever they are, keep your head up. You are not alone!

Merry Christmas!


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