San Diego 273

One of those mornings where I was absolutely in a daze and for the life of me, I couldn’t get up. That will usually happen when you stay up past midnight and you smoke some weed. The weed doesn’t help the waking-up process. I had an alarm set to go off at 6:00 am and when it did; I rolled to one side, acting as if I didn't know what was going on. I prolonged the wake-up process for about 35 minutes and eventually; I dragged myself out of bed and sat on my small futon. I brushed my teeth, chugged some water, and put on some workout clothes. I've always felt my van feels the coziest in the morning. I’m sure it's the shag rug that sits on my fake wooden floor. The rug ties the room together. After I got my shit together and mustered up the energy, I dragged my feet to the gym. The first 10-15 minutes are a huge drag and I'm completely dreading my presence there. Eventually, I got into a rhythm and started my routine that highly emphasizes ankle stability, knee stability, and leg strength. I've been focusing on my legs for the past few months due to past injuries and the workload that I put on my legs training for this Ironman race in April. Unfortunately, my right knee and right ankle have never been since injuring them 2 years ago, but I have to work with what I have and push those limits to heal and strengthen those muscles and ligaments. I'm trying hard to avoid burnout from training because I can sure feel it creep up. I think it's important for me to train with people. I am someone who thrives off the competition, whether it's real. It’s a metric for me to know where I'm at and how I'm doing. There is always room to be better. I work at 1 pm today which isn’t my favorite shift and, to be honest I am not a fan of any job That is not to say I am lazy and refuse to work I just have figured that most of the time I'm not a fan of the structure implanted by managers, especially from corporate companies. It seems soulless and lacks a lot of character, which then results in the employees forgetting who they are outside of the workplace becoming another cog in the cogwheel per se. The issue with talking about this is it always makes me sound like some rebellious anti-government hippy, which I'm not, I just am a huge supporter of free thinking and using your time as best as possible and to be honest I don't think most jobs are that for people. Who am i tell anyone that I'm nobody. That's why I sit behind the screen of a laptop and write it.


San Diego 274


Merry Christmas