Texas 99

I’ve walked approximately 6.2 miles so far it’s not the most enjoyable stroll to my surprise it’s humid here it slipped my mind that Texas is not only desert highland but swampy wetlands. I started off the morning with the climbing gym to test out my shoulder I managed to keep it light with some low graded problems with about half an hour of stretching including some shoulder rehabilitation. I’m going to get significantly weaker in regards to climbing strength. Afterwards it was a 3 mile walk to Pinkerton’s BBQ a popular Houston restaurant with some awesome reviews. It was pretty ducking good. The meal was $57.00 and only because I grabbed a portion from each item on the menu with a bread pudding for dessert. To be exact I ordered 3 ribs, 1/2 pound of brisket, 1/4 pound of pulled pork, beans (should’ve gone macaroni) ,and 2 sausages.
I ate everything on the fucking tray I would give an estimated guess that I consumed 3-4 thousand calories in that meal. I walked another 2 miles afterwards to a coffee shop and iced beverage specifically a cold brew would hit the spot and a walk would let the food settle. I look out the window of the coffee shop and it’s raining a slight drizzle the Californian is me is thinking “oh brother not this shit again.”

I forgot to mention I shaved my mustache and I’m still unsure how to feel about it… I’ll be the first one to admit I don’t know if I like it or not I feel weirdly naked faced but also my face just looks so much more visible as if there is more to pay attention too.


Texas 100


Texas 98