Texas 98
Just arrived in Houston, Texas.
A weekend escape to a city even that was never a top destination. The randomness is kind of what intrigues about this. My only agenda here in the great state of Texas is to eat food. Simple. I believe a key to happiness is to live simply and not in possessions but in thoughts and in consciousness. Though to live simple is hard. Something we can almost all agree on. Something beautiful about simplicity.
BAD NEWS: I have an apparent injured shoulder which I’m trying so hard to remain calm about. Injuries are one of the few things I get emotional about and can’t seem to control it. It seems to be strained or tendinitis from the 8 days of profuse sawing at work with the addition of climbing 40 feet into trees sawing branches manually the size of my leg. It’s keeping me from climbing and doing much physically as of right now. If the pain proceeds till Monday I will be visiting the urgent care. My job can go fuck itself a new one if for a second they think I’m going to place the stress on my body after an injury. My life outside of work will take priority 100 times out of 100.
It’s 10:52pm here in Texas and im ready to sleep in the made up bed of my Airbnb near bunker hill (not familiar). I’ll wake up to take of advantage of time and the company of myself.