Nevada 223

APRIL!! 2023 is flying by in the blink of an eye we’re 4 months into this year and for the most part, it’s been a wild year. Im talking about the weather, not the political bullshit that goes on behind the scenes. Exciting things to come for me such as leaving Las Vegas and visiting family for a month with an awesome family trip to New York and Philadelphia. Initially, I wasn’t the most excited to go to a huge crowded city but now I can’t be more excited! It’ll be awesome to check out the climbing gyms in new york and eat all the food I can get my grubby little hands on. It’s important to have things to look forward to. Life can become difficult if you don’t have “things” marked on your calendar whether it’s written down or a simple mental note, especially ones that make you excited.

I’m experimenting with my health a bit more than I usually do this month by trying the daring diet of VEGETARIAN. Four days in and it’s been rough on my body, Which is typically used to eating some form of meat every day it’s my main source of protein and general food source. I’m trying hard to keep my diet still as clean as usual and have it consist of mainly whole foods (not the store). The point of this fun experiment is mainly just to see how my body reacts to these changes regarding bloating and energy. Also seeing how it will affect my climbing performance inside and outside.

Currently, it’s windy and a bit chilly in Vegas which seems to be unusual for this time of year but then again all over the West, it’s been quite an unusual winter. Climbing season in Vegas has not been the most successful mission but a mission that has come with new experiences which can always be looked at as a win.


Nevada 224


A blog from Kylus Hart.