Nevada 225

Sunday the lords Day! Was a great Sunday the weather was perfect and surprisingly it wasn’t a peanut gallery with the crowds around. We charged into Pine Creek parking lot and hiked into juniper canyon. We just wanted to summit Mescalito a beautiful pyramid that sits in the middle of the canyon. With no route in mind, we did the approach to the base and came to a route called Deep Space its 8 pitches of some sketchy and very sandbagged 5.9 climbing. The route consisted of chimney climbing, thin cracks, and off-width. A little of everything was involved. After hours of route finding and fucking off at belay stations we summited and ate our snacks. We rushed the downclimb and the few rappels needed to get back to the base. I’ve never looked forward to the descent on any climb its either painful on my knee or downright sketchy. I simply wanted to get back on the main trail and hike back to the car. We pack our stuff into my little Subaru and head out it’s 7 pm bellies are empty but my spirit is high. We intrude on the local Thai restaurant, quickly ordering and even quicker eating our food.

I would say it was a perfect Sunday. Grateful for being able-bodied and for this weather.


San Diego 226


Nevada 224