Nevada 219

I believe there’s two types of people in this world. Those who remain in contact with their ex lovers and those who don’t. When I say ex-lover I mean someone that you were in a serious relationship with someone that you not only shared a bed with but shared secrets and small details that only a person that puts life at a half could ever find out. I emphasize with both sides but I find people that are unable to close doors for the sake of growth and moving forward on love. Well… I find them to be people I most likely wouldn’t want to fall in love with in the first place. Call me immature call me whatever you want.

Not everyone needs to stay in your life.

I believe that some people stay and some people go. In our individual lives everybody that we meet has an expiration date. And at times we try extending that expiration date for as long as we can. Maybe even hold onto it though it’s expired and gone bad. When I was really young I thought I would meet lots of people and I thought the people I grew up with would be with me forever. As I’ve gotten older I’ve realized life doesn’t work that way.

We find out who we are and what we want and you’ll realize that the people that we thought we’d love forever Don’t see things they way you do. Hold onto those memories appreciate them whenever you can but you must keep moving forward.


Nevada 220


Nevada 218