MoNtana 106

Montana.. big sky country the free land with a diverse ecosystem from its wildlife to its topography. I don’t think I’ve been in a more scenic like place. I love the idea behind national parks and how we’ve patched to protect nature’s most beautiful creations but we’ve turned them into natures Disneyland we haven’t preserved these lands we’ve just made them more comfortable and accessible for us.
I think that’s flawed in a thousand different ways. Keep the lands as is and fuck our wants and our unrelenting path to be the lazy society were destined to be where we need to be shuttled or driven in our A/C metal shells 15 minutes to a view point. Aside from that Glacier National Park was something from a movie a painting the front cover of those nature /outdoor magazines you’ll pick up at a coffee shop or a barber shop. Eliza and I went on a 5.4 mile hike which I turned into a 7.2 mile hike for myself. I actually trail ran it while Eliza stayed behind and hiked (she’s a big hiker), I’d rather run than walk I like to feel the burning pounding sensation my heart gives at that elevation. I was met with pristine waterfalls coming from the top of the hundred foot glaciers all around me and at the base a Gatorade blue glacier lake no picture can do it justice. We drove (unfortunately) on the Going to the sun road a 50 mile stretch of paved road known to be one best scenic drives in America.

I’ll be splitting these Montana posts into 3.


washington 107


Washington 105