
I've made significant progress with my shoulder, achieving movements that were once out of reach. With my physical therapist's blessing, I've been visiting the climbing gym twice a week, a recent endeavor. I am really just sticking to the basics almost feeling like im learning how to climb again. The challenge is in not pushing myself as before, amidst the clear realization of the movements and workouts lost in recent months. I often question the worth of striving for previous climbing or physical achievements. Is it even worth it ?

Maybe the focus should shift to simply staying healthy and fit enough to climb. This experience has highlighted the crucial importance of body care—not only through diet and exercise duration but also in valuing rest and slow, methodical movements, especially as we age and our bodies begin to wear. Athletes often push their bodies to extremes, leading to that huge peak before decline sets in usually due to age or injury. After nearly 12 years of working out, my current routine is a huge contrast to my approach at 15, to the extent that my younger self would likely laugh at me now. Observing my body's progression and acknowledging its wear and tear has been a revelation, telling me ever so clearly that it's time for healing and rebuilding to ensure I can continue to climb, run, and explore in the future. Its bigger than just doing it for me. Its for the people that may one day come into my future.


Investing in yourself

