California 182

A long night out…

I accompanied some friends for a birthday and it was eventful. I used to go out with such different intentions and I am so relieved and happy for myself that it isn’t the case no longer. I value my friends and just spending time with them It's obviously because I don’t see many of them for periods of time. I feel good about the future thought it doesn’t ease the pain of the present. I also am acknowledging that i’ve learned so much about myself or in a way i’ve emphasized to myself what’s important to me and what i’ve always truly valued and believed in,

Do you guys ever look back at past actions or choices and can’t recognize the person in that time?

I surely cannot. I’m aware that the person in that time is always me but I’d like to compare it to a snake shedding its skin. It’s the same reptile but a new coat. Sounds ridiculous but oh well.

This summer will be one to remember I feel. I have plans that I know I can make happen but I also have plans that i’m purely hoping to happen, the fog never leaves and the future is never clear.



California 183


California 181