Rainy days

As a native San Diegan, I've always considered myself lucky to have grown up under the endless sunshine and clear blue skies that give this city its reputation for sunny San Diego. The concept of seasons here is almost a myth—the winters are mild, our summers are warm, and the transitions in between are quick, to say the least. So, when the rare rainy day showers in San Diego, it’s refreshing and a bit introspective.

What's always been interesting to me is how the rain can affect the landscapes especially in coastal areas like San Diego. Flash flood warnings alert phones and houses built along the coastal bluff find themselved slightly nervous. The city, which usually has busy beaches and an abudance of people enjoying the outdoors takes on a quieter, more reflective vibe. I sit in my van and i can hear the pattern of the rain hit my metal roof sounding like an ambush from the sky, its always cozy and peaceful inside my little shelter. But perhaps the best part of rainy days in San Diego is the aftermath. The air feels cleaner, the skies clearer, and people are pumped to be back out. While San Diego is known to be a city of sunshine, its rainy days are very much needed and appreciated.

I'm currently dealing with a small issue: a leak at the back of my van, right over my bed. It's not a problem when the rain is light, but on days like today, with heavy rain pouring down for hours, my shelter becomes compromised. I'm actually nervous to check the leak and see how wet my bed is. Part of me doesn't even want to know and would rather ignore it. These are the little struggles of living in a van. I've always said there aren't too many things to stress about while van-lifing, but rather a ton of little inconveniences that can be stressful and dampen the mood at times. It is what it is.


Shoulder update pt. 2


In n out