Washington 91

I sit here in my tent looking out into the lake I can’t hear anything but the waves of the water breaking into shore which is how I want it to be. I’m probably around 10 feet or less from the water I’ll wake up and see whether or not the water has hit my tent and I’ll be floating in the middle of Rimrock lake. The next eight days from what I’ve been told from my boss seem to be not as physically demanding but slower at a pace that I will end up thinking two hours gone by is really only 20 minutes. We’re working on several Meadows that I guess are homes to several species of endangered butterflies I guess it’s pretty neat I have no passion for butterflies or Recology but again I have a great appreciation and love for mother nature and the peace it brings us. Luckily or maybe not so lucky I have full service here where I’m at I say not so lucky because it’s just another excuse to be on my phone one of the things I look forward to when I leave for work he’s being forced to be off any sort of technology. I’m sure psychologically I probably don’t want to I mean we all are addicted to our phones but I’m aware enough that it is a very healthy thing to be off of my device for eight days at this point hell it’s healthy for all of us to be off our fucking devices for one hour. Every time I come to a beautiful area like this that seems so peaceful the romantic side of me comes out and have a strong desire to bring someone and show them and share these moments. I’m also selfish and I’m glad that I get to spend these times alone I’m glad I get to cherish every moment, feel these emotions and take it all in only for myself and nobody else. I’ve had many times I’ve been somewhere so beautiful and part of me wishes I could be with someone and share the feeling but I look at it now and I’m glad that I was there alone and I was able to take it all In and those experiences will never change nor be tainted because I was the only one there feeling it. The sun is lowering behind the mountain directly ahead of me. I’ve had a very enjoyable past six days lots of climbing and time well spent with friends especially new friends. I guess I have less than 27 days of work left the other half are days off 27 days sounds like nothing and it really is nothing but I know my last eight day project will be very very difficult and physically/mentally demanding I look forward to going back home it feels weird saying home I don’t really know if it is but yet I still call it that. Eliza has given me a book to read she highly recommended it and urge me to read it so I will do so it is called the light of the world a memoir by Elizabeth Alexander it’s Michelle Obama‘s favorite book of 2015 as reported in people.com also reported in the back of the book. It was a pull a Pulitzer Prize finalist and the New York Times best seller so I mean it has to be good doesn’t it? I’ll spend the The last few hours of the minimal natural light I have reading then lay in my tent and doze off to a heavy sleep. I’ll wake up tomorrow at 6 AM and the next seven days will be ahead of me.


Washington 92


Washington 90