San Diego 249

The more I think about the future, the more it seems so close. A blink of an eye and I'll be there. Nostalgia is a plague for present happiness. I find myself lying in my van late at night dwelling on the times when life was simple. Last night I had this memory of when I was in high school and I would go to my friend's house. His family situation differed from mine. His mom was never home and his dad wasn’t a part of the picture, so we typically had this 2 bedroom apartment to ourselves. We would sit in his room and smoke weed until our eyes couldn’t open wide and the room looked as if a small cloud lingered inside. Admittedly, I was a few years behind on certain cultural waves such as music and clothing. My friend would play music on this flatscreen TV and I was introduced to all sorts of bands and genres I never was exposed to growing up. We listened to The Smiths, Pink Floyd, The Cure, and other oldies. I was mesmerized. I thought to myself, how can I have gone 15 years of my life not listening to any of this? I feel we all remember certain times when we were introduced to things in life that still play a huge role in our adult lives. We can never feel those feelings again the feeling of discovery the feeling that you just stumbled on something so life-changing that might not alter the grand scheme of your life but alter it where you find yourself driving down the freeway and suddenly this song that brings you back 12 years is playing.


San Diego 250


San Diego 248