San Diego 259

I wake up every day, typically around the 6 am-7 am range, depending on how tired I am and what the rest of the day looks like. I’m finding it harder to motivate myself early in the morning to get up and train. The waking up part isn’t difficult, it’s the waking up and instantly putting myself in a hyperactive state. I’ve gotten used to this routine of waking up and driving to get some breakfast, typically overnight oats and coffee, then I’ll make my way to the Panera Bread to work on the laptop and shake off whatever morning I have left in me. I’ll do my typical swim workout today and some stationary bike work. I unfortunately work at 3 pm which results in me leaving work at 11 pm. Nothing is open, not even the gym, and for someone living out of a van that makes things a bit difficult.

Sometimes you aren’t sure when the best time is to go your separate ways with someone, especially when neither of you knows why. Someone once told me that we must close certain doors if we want certain doors to open. It can be applied to everything: our jobs, friends, romantic partners, and even our lifestyle. We must know when to make way for new paths, lovers, and ambitions, and when to close what doesn’t work for us. Its not supposed to be easy its meant to be really hard probably some of the hardest choices we will have to make. Those choices will be followed by confusion, guilt, and heartbreak. If its your time to close a door remember look forward to the ones that may open.

“When one door closes another door opens; but we so often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door, that we do not see the ones which open for us.”


San Diego 260


San Diego 258