San Diego 263

I’ve had some great company from time to time for the last two weeks here in Encinitas. Although he probably won’t read this, I want to say thanks to Kylus for coming down to San Diego. I appreciate it immensely because I know that for someone who lives out of their van/bus, they have the choice to go anywhere and make it make sense in terms of money, gas, and time. When I’m on the road with a destination in mind, every place or day in between that destination is chosen and carefully considered. This can alter your route's course and could turn a reasonably priced drive into a bank breaker. I have an example from last winter: I decided to go to Los Angeles instead of driving straight to Utah. It added close to four hours of driving, meaning more gas and wear and tear on my old Subaru, which was probably not in the best shape initially. Eventually, my radiator blew up on me in the middle of the freeway and I was put in a desperate position. White clouds of smoke were all over the top of my hood and panic settled in. I pulled over with the car on and went into improvisation mode. I made the risky decision of driving with a blown-up radiator while calling every mechanic in a 20-mile radius. Eventually, one had availability and I drove my Subaru, which eventually resulted in a $500 fix and a very nervous driver. Lessons learned.


San Diego 264


San Diego 262