San Diego 268

The holiday season spans two months, from November to the end of December. It's a time that brings out both the best and the worst in us. While it is a time for families to come together, it can also make some people feel lonelier than ever. Despite being a time when most people are free from work and their typical responsibilities, it can be a confusing and stressful time. Many people find themselves overwhelmed by the pressure of buying gifts for their loved ones, especially when money is tight. For some people, the holiday season is not a time of joy, but a time of stress and financial strain.

As someone who has spent several Thanksgivings and Christmases away from my family, I can tell you that it is a painful experience that I wouldn't wish on anyone. I believe that the most important thing about this time of year is to remember that not everyone is spending it in the same way that you are. Not everyone is getting gifts, and not everyone has the means to give gifts, even if they want to. So while it's great to enjoy the company of family and friends and to exchange gifts, it's important to remember that not everyone is able to do so.

Be mindful of your fellow humans around you we all started the same way.


San Diego 269


San Diego 267