Wyoming 165

For a long time I thought relationships were based off of attraction and whether or not two individuals had sexual chemistry. I understood you must get along and with this person but I suppose I never really understood to what extent. I met Emma and instantly all of those childish beliefs flew out the window. First and foremost she is my bestfriend I don’t see entirely as this “girl I’m dating” I view her as an extension of the good parts of me but she lacks the shitty traits that make up who I am also. What I don’t have she carries in abundance and what I do have she amplifies it.

It’s 7:31 and I felt like writing about her. She’s a wonderful person. The times I go on social media especially apps like Tik Tok I come across men and women complaining about eachother and the shitty things they tend to do it’s a pretty morbid thing to witness. It’s highlights the negative things about people and relationships now a days. It’s hard for me to relate I feel an immense amount of gratitude for her and the love she gives me daily without any thought.
You’re awesome Emma.

small appreciation blog post.


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