Third degree connections

What a small and wonderful world we live in, filled with endless possibilities and excitement. On my day off, having completed most of my crucial tasks, I decided to head to the climbing gym around noon. My goal was to indulge in a lengthy climbing session and really work my forearms to their limit. At Mesa Rim, if you're without a climbing partner, you can request the front desk to make an announcement over the intercom, calling for anyone interested in pairing up for belaying. So, there I was, standing and twiddling my thumbs, waiting patiently for another solo climber to respond. After about five minutes with no response, I returned to some easy bouldering. When an employee approached me to say someone else was also looking for a partner. I walked over, and my climbing partner for the day was an older man, likely in his 40s, with long grey hair tied back in a ponytail and a thick Australian accent. "Nice to meet you, my name is Andy."

Well, look at that—another Andy! What are the odds? As we started chatting, he mentioned he was great friends with Chongo, an old man who has been living on and off in Yosemite Valley for longer than I've been alive. Chongo is somewhat of a legend there, though some might describe him as a bit of a crazy man, having authored several books on topics that one could easily question his expertise on. But that's beside the point. I've met Chongo a few times in recent years during my stays in the valley, though nothing too memorable, if I'm honest. It struck me as incredible that I could go to the gym and meet another Andy, and we both would have connections to familiar people. We knew plenty of the same people in the valley some close friends and some third degree connections.

Andy was a well-traveled man; he shared stories of living in Canada, Argentina, and Australia, and he encouraged me to continue traveling. It was a simple yet important reminder to keep pushing and follow my heart, for the right people will appreciate and see the beauty in it—a life beyond what most will ever experience. I


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