Dollar Dollar Dollar

It's truly unfortunate that, to this day, there are professions that remain dishonest and show a complete disregard for their clients or customers. It baffles me. I'm speaking from my own experiences with dentists. I can't help but feel like they are the mechanics of the medical world, in the sense that they might tell you there are 20 different things wrong, just to get a check from the insurance companies. It seriously blows my mind that one can even remotely feel this way about someone tasked with caring for your mouth and health.

I understand the skepticism towards mechanics to a certain extent, because the majority of people have no idea what's going on with their vehicle, and it's not directly tied to their health or quality of life. Still, it's a very shady practice if you can't find an honest mechanic. Throughout my life, I've seen a few dentists, and there's always been a mix of opinions on what is needed. I can't wrap my head around the fact that some people would compromise others' health and quality of life for a paycheck. I mean, I can understand it, because it happens every day in almost every industry, and in a way, we're all part of this broken system.

Seeing it from a medical perspective rather than as some commodity or item makes it easier for me to discern the difference. It's about your health! And yet, there are those who would tamper with that for a dollar. Fortunately, I have yet to fall victim to this greed, and I hope to continue avoiding it.


Coffee thoughts.


Third degree connections