Happy Thanksgiving you animals. The ski season has arrived in Jackson and its been absolutely shit (currently) it doesn’t really matter to me since I can’t ski, climb, hike, run, and practically anything that requires my legs. I must make the best and most of my time no matter what this could be the perfect excuse to spiral into depression and eat junk food and feel sorry for myself. Aside from that thanksgiving was spent in my place with my roommate Mitch a fellow climber and adventurer. I cooked some cauliflower buffalo nuggets and chips and salsa, a random combination if I could say so myself.
Im aware that i’ve made life a little bit harder for me than it should’ve been I created my own challenges my own struggles because the truth is most of us arent born with any or at least true struggles. We are as privileged as they come and i’m speaking mainly for myself but if you think this applies to you well then the shoe fits pal. I believe that travel and travel in the unorthodox is a way of creating that but in a way where the struggle is so enjoyable its so worth it. I don’t think its a terribly insane struggle either its the struggle of change because truthfully that’s what travel is.. its change. Ive been around people all my life who reject and avoid change and will make any excuse to not allow that disruption into their life. I belive so strongly that most of the time if not always its the change that we need to make us who we want to be its the disruption of routine that creates our wild manic thoughts. Allow it welcome change into your life because sooner or later.. the change you truly want wont be the change you needed or maybe it will be. I just speak nonsense. Im ignorant and i live in a fantasy world i also tend to romanticize life in a very unhealthy beautiful way. Love yall