California 122

I didn’t share this but Saturday I had a minor climbing accident. I fell awkwardly on my lower spine and almost certain I pinched/damaged my nervous system. I felt directly on my lower spine in a sitting position and the first thing I felt was something in comparison to electricity being shot through my body. I instantly felt my shoulders to hands vibrating a violent static pain. The next day my hands were the only parts in pain and not a regular pain it was aching all day non stop my sense of touch and dexterity was completely off. As of right now just 2 of my fingers are in pain I can feel the nerves in pain it’s my right hand ring finger if that’s what you call it and my pinky finger. I was able to climb and grip but my strength has diminished pretty noticeably. Unfortunate timing and unfortunate way of getting hurt.

Aside from that life has been calm I’m glad to be back home somewhere I am familiar. I don’t know what to do with myself being I have an awkward amount of time on my hands. 2 months and I’d like to make the most out of my time with people who want to spend time with vice versa.


California 123


California 121