A short story.

A soldier from youth

At the age of 16, a boy is sent to war. He says goodbye to his parents and the very few friends he has. Seated in a fluorescent-lit room with other recruits, he wonders about them—who they are, where they are from, and if they, too, have said their goodbyes. Despite his reluctance, war calls to him, as it does to everyone there. The faces around him, some marked by the innocence of youth rather than the scars of manhood, are unknowingly on the cusp of a profound transformation.

Before one can confront the dark days of war, every man and woman must endure a period where they are subjected to relentless yelling and treated with harsh disdain. This rigorous initiation is a voluntary rite of passage, a necessary ordeal that one must willingly submit to earn the revered title of a soldier. The days blend into one another, each marked by the relentless rhythm of training that pushes them beyond the limits of their endurance, physically and mentally. Just a week ago, these boys were living a youthful life—playing baseball, engaging in card games, and sharing dinners with their families. Now, they swiftly transition, learning to wield weapons with a growing familiarity that are used for nothing less than to take another man's soul. Sleep transforms into a rare luxury, meals turn into mere fuel for the relentless days ahead, and the pursuit of games fades into a distant memory. Often disturbed by nightmares of battles yet to be fought they shed their civilian identities, the boys forge a bond, their shared experiences molding them into a unit, stronger together than any of them could be alone.

Then, the call to the front lines arrives—an inevitability they’ve all been preparing for, yet fear struck them like a shadow creeping over their hearts, cold and inescapable. They begin their journey toward unfamiliar territories, the reality of war cast upon them. It was their reality. The boy, now a soldier in more than just name, reflects on the innocence lost but the brotherhood he’s gained. Amidst the chaos and the violence, each soldier grips to the hope of survival, a return home, and a chance to relive the years lost.


Catching up


The morning storm.