Catching up

Work, work, and work. My Thursday is going well, seemingly peaceful. My friend Adrianna is coming to San Diego, and it should be a pleasure to catch up. Over the years, she’s grown to become a very special friend of mine. We’ve had our ups and downs, especially regarding past relationships. After about almost one and a half years of not talking, we randomly found ourselves catching up over the phone. It seems some people are just meant to stay in your life. I’m glad she’s someone I can count on and talk to about anything, and I hope she feels the same.

We started three years ago as somewhat romantic partners, but you really do realize there are people who are just amazing to have as friends, lifelong friends, whom one day your kids can call aunty or can count on, just as I do with her. When you come across people in your life, especially at a young age—in those times of critical development, in my case, when I was 22, traveling across states, living out of my Volvo—it was a time of independence and growth for me, a period accompanied by people like her. Some came and stayed, and some came and went.

As I was saying, when you come across these types of people, hold them close, even if they are far away, and even if you don’t talk often. Keep them in your mind, in your heart, and I think they will do the same. Remember, though, not everyone you come across in your life is meant to stay. But for the ones who do, keep them close, make room for them in the grand scheme of your lives.


Catching up pt.2


A short story.