
My first day of physical therapy marked a significant step forward. It's just the beginning, but it's exactly the morale boost I needed. When you're dealing with an injury without guidance, it feels like wandering blindly in a dark alley, desperately seeking an exit but continually running into walls. Today, a faint light appeared at the end of that tunnel. The news from the therapists wasn't entirely positive, but it was far from the worst. Their attentiveness and helpfulness left me reassured that I'm in capable hands for the upcoming two months.

This is Day 1 of my genuine recovery, a real start to reclaiming the activities I love. I've missed climbing and the confidence it brought me, something that's been missing for far too long. The fear of my shoulder giving way, of it tearing apart, has been a constant, looming threat. Overcoming this mental barrier will be a daunting, intricate journey, but not an unfamiliar one, considering my experience with a knee injury.

I recognize that the path to recovery will require discipline and a slow, methodical approach, starting from scratch to regain my former strength and confidence. It's a challenging process, seldom enjoyable, but often, the most necessary steps are the least pleasant. Looking ahead with optimism, I want to see a summer filled with travel and adventure. Perhaps it will lead me overseas or on a cross-country journey. Yet, I remind myself not to get too far ahead; it's about taking it day by day, savoring the present moment.

In this journey of healing and rediscovery, every step, no matter how small, is a victory. I'm not just healing a body; I'm reclaiming a spirit that refuses to be defeated.


Yoga by the beach

